Publications, Conferences, Speaking
International Aeronautical Conference 2024
Paper Title: The State of User-Centered Design in the Space Domain through a Literature Scan of the Past IAF Publications
10.2024- Milan, Italy
Expert Speaker/Panelist
Space Generations Advisory Council
Invited as an expert in sustainable human centered design within aerospace
05.2024- Lyon, France
Guest Speaker
Designers in Space Community
Imperial College study of Human Centred Design Parameters in Aerospace
11. 2023- Virtually Recorded
Conference Speaker
World Design Assembly
Paper Title: Outer Space Technology: Harnessing its Potential for Sustainable Life on Earth through
Human-centred policy, and product innovation.
10. 2023- Tokyo, Japan
Guest Speaker
Universidad Centroamericana ‘José Simeón Cañas’
Human Centred Design benefits within engineering systems in aerospace missions.
07. 2023- El Salvador
3rd Place Winner- PollenWave
Royal College of Art Grand Challenge 2023
Awarded 3rd position in the largest graduate student design competition. Solution focused on granular ocean data collection of remote locations.
03. 2023- London, United Kingdom
Panel Speaker
iF Design Marathon 2022
Presented on the ‘Not there Yet’ Global Speaker Series in collaboration with the World Design Organization.
10. 2022- Virtually Recorded
Conference Speaker
Ideas Crossing Borders Conference- German Design Museum Foundation
Spoke on the intersection and understanding of peace from global young perspectives.
11. 2022- Virtually Recorded
Podcast Guest
Say Hi to the Future Podcast
Invited to discuss the transferability of human-centred design within the aerospace industry.
07. 2022- Virtually Recorded
Guest Lecturer
MecE 460, Faculty of Engineering, University of Alberta
Presented on the benefits of transdisciplinary collaboration and sustainable design practices within engineering projects and senior level projects.
11. 2021- Edmonton AB, Canada
Conference Speaker
2021 ISSET Space Exploration Symposium
Presented on the benefits of transdisciplinary collaboration and human-centred design through the WDO/ISS NL Design in Space for Life on Earth Initiative.
10. 2021- Edmonton AB, Canada
Conference Speaker
2021 SmallSat Conference
Paper Title: Northern SPIRIT Consortium- Canadian Collaboration through Student-led CubeSat Constellation.
08. 2021- Logan UT, USA
Panel Participant
2021 SEDS Ascension
Invited to participate on a panel for student networking and representation within the Space Industry for the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS- Canada).
02. 2021- Virtual Conference
Public Speaker
Canadian Space Agency- Canadian CubeSat Project Workshop
Spoke on the contributions of women in satellite design and the AlbertaSat team to the Canadian Space Agency.
05. 2019- Longueuil QC, Canada
Public Speaker
CFUW Edmonton Fundraising Luncheon
Invited to speak to the Canadian Federation of University Women on behalf of women’s impact in the space industry.
04. 2019- Edmonton AB, Canada
AlbertaSat Speaker
Canadian Space Agency Ex-Alta 2 Preliminary Design Review
02. 2019- Edmonton AB, Canada